Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday, Adventures in Social Awkwardness

I missed it.  I missed it because I got too busy doing stuff like reading popular dystopian YA literature, working with short people, singing notes that are almost so high that only dogs can hear them, running with scissors, and watching PBS shows about whales.  You know...the usual.

Adventures in Social Awkwardness turned a year old on Sunday.  And I missed it. 

Lately, I've actually noticed that I'm not updating this particular blog as much as I have in the past.  I wonder why that is.  Is it because I, Socially Awkward Girl, has had a lack of socially awkward encounters?  Perish the thought!  PERISH IT!  Rather, I think it's because I've been too busy living through socially awkward encounters to actually take the time to write about them.  And when I do have a socially awkward encounter, I tend to forgedduhboudit before I have the chance to blog.

I've also not been writing blogs for my Dragon-Muses lately, but that's mainly because I'm not spending time with them enough to know what they want to blog about.  They've actually called a "Family Meeting" to deal with my lack of writing and communication with them, which kind of makes me scared.  I've been avoiding it--avoiding them--because it's never a good thing when Dragons are upset with you.

So just in case you were wondering if some of my blogs are dying, the answer is no.  I mean, right now I'm typing this while listening to some maintainence guys bang on the wall outside my apartment.  I'm not sure why they're doing this, but oddly enough, it's giving me some inspiration.

So stay tuned.

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