I have a slight aversion to whole shelled pecans (pronounced puh-cahns). I can eat pecan pie or whatever. I just don't like whole shelled pecans.
The reason is because when I was a kid, whole shelled pecans kinda reminded me of E. T.'s head (same basic shape, color, and wrinkleness--combined with an overactive imagination), and I was one of those kids who was afraid of E. T.
The reason is because when I was a kid, whole shelled pecans kinda reminded me of E. T.'s head (same basic shape, color, and wrinkleness--combined with an overactive imagination), and I was one of those kids who was afraid of E. T.

Okay. So obviously I had a VERY active imagination.
I like E. T. now, but I still don't like eating whole shelled pecans. Everytime I try to bite into one, I can hear this gravelly voice saying, "I'll be right here."
When I shell a pecan, I don't usually have to worry about it being whole. More often than not it's in bits and pieces. What's your secret? BTW, thanks for saying the word correctly. You rock. For a girl, anyway.