Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Embarrassing Confession #1: Toilet Tarantula

When I was a kid, I used to be afraid to use the bathroom because I imagined there was a "Toilet Tarantula" that ate all my pee and poop. I was afraid that if I didn't hurry up, finish my business, and flush, it would climb up the hole and bite my bum.

Sometimes I still think about the Toilet Tarantula, and I don't linger in the bathroom.


  1. muah---hhhaaaahahahahahaahaa!!!! :)

  2. one time after my parents put me in bed i snuck out and sat behind my dad's recliner and watched Ernest Scared Stupid as they were watching it. for the next week I was afraid a skull was going to come out of the toilet and bite my butt. weird, because that isn't even part of the movie.

  3. Liz, that movie is hilarious (but it would have terrified me if I had watched it as a child)!
