Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SAA# 3: Be Careful What You Wish For

I went on another quest today. It's actually a quest I've been on for a few months. I'm questing for a Dragon.

I'm completely serious.

I want a Dragon figure/toy of some sort. I don't know what sort. I'll know it when I see it. That's why I'm questing.

I did not find said Dragon. The quest continues.

Yet, while I was walking back to my car, my quest yet unfulfilled, I started thinking. And this was my thought:

"Why is it that it's so hard to find a Dragon, anyway?"

At that precise moment, I was attacked by a dragonfly. I spazzed a little. I'm sure it was fun for any innocent bystanders who happened to be watching.

Be careful what you wish for.


  1. Spencers Gifts. Great place to hunt for dragons. Toys R Us as well. I collect MacFarlane's Dragons. So far I've got a fire dragon, ice dragon, scorcer's dragon, and some others that just are nice to look at. :-)

  2. I have found the Dragon in question. Got him off eBay of all places. He (and his fellow Dragons) have a blog at

    But thanks for the suggestions, because now Pneuman is bugging me about getting him a ladyfriend.
