Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SAA Ep. #26: Book Withdrawal

I was going to write a blog a couple of nights ago, but I couldn't.  I couldn't function enough to form a three word sentence, let alone write an entire blog.  My hands were shaking.  I couldn't think clearly.  All I could do was sit on the floor, rocking back and forth, staring at the phone.  I was waiting for a phone call.  I was waiting for the phone call that would end my misery.  I was waiting for that smooth, automated voice to tell me that my next fix was ready...

...I was waiting for a call from the library to let me know the book I'd reserved was waiting for me.

I made the mistake of reading a book (The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins--I highly recommend it, but only if you have immediate access to the sequels) last week without making sure the sequel was readily available.  I finished the first book, only to discover that not only was it extremely well-written and enticing, but it also ended on a cliffhanger (of sorts)!!!!  So I immediately went to reserve the sequel, and was dismayed to find that I was #79 on the waiting list.  Just to be safe, when I reserved the sequel, I also reserved the sequel to the sequel.  When the library finally called, guess which book was ready?  The sequel?  No.  The sequel to the sequel.

I'm still waiting for the sequel.  Anxiously, anxiously awaiting the sequel...  I have bitten off all of my fingernails.

And I'm wondering how in the world I survived waiting for three out of the seven Harry Potter books to come out (book four was still only available in hardcover when I started that addiction).  I do remember rereading the books, watching the first movie (it had just come out) over and over.  I remember reading the fan-theory websites, trying to figure out what was going to happen to poor Harry.  Would he live?  Would he die?  Would Voldemort rule the world?  Would Ron and Hermione ever figure out they were supposed to get married and have red-haired babies?  Those things tided me over.

This time, there is no movie (it's set to come out sometime next year, though!).  I can't read fansites without reading spoilers.  So, there's only that first book.  That first wonderful, addicting book.  Only now it mocks me.  It mocks me because it's over, and I'm left wondering what's going to happen to the characters, who's going to end up with who, if everyone is going to live until the end...

Things have gotten better.  I'm no longer breaking out in cold sweats, muttering the main character's names in my sleep.  But if the library doesn't call me soon, I might have to go do something desperate.  I might...I might...visit...a book dealer...

Please someone out there tell me they can relate to this.  I need to know I'm not the only one nerdy enough to need a book fix!  Have any of you ever suffered from book withdrawal?


  1. I was like that with Twilight. I couldn't wait till the next one came out! So good!

  2. I loved the Hunger Games series!!! I bought them actually, as I do with books from time to time in order to help keep the industry I want to break into afloat. I wish I could say that I can end your suffering, but I've loaned them out to Lily Register from church. You can check and see if she is done with Catching Fire and borrow it from her/me.

  3. Ha! Heather, I lost track of what you were saying after you said you had the books. I was planning confronting you in the preschool hallway, seizing your daughters, and holding them ransom until you brought me Catching Fire. Ok, so not really. I checked the library website last night and I'm still #56 on the waiting list, so I will probably just keep waiting. It's not like I have anything better to do besides read a book...right?

    Michelle, I was smart enough to not start reading Twilight until a month before the last book came out. I went out and bought the first three books and read them; then I was ready for the last one right as it came out.

    And to bring this comment full circle, I sold my Twilight books and they are now the property of Lily Register.

  4. I was like that with Twilight as well. I'm NOT a big reader, but I definitely experienced those same symptoms with Twilight. I borrowed them from a friend each time I finished one and I would anxiously wait for the next time I'd see her so I could trade for the next one. It would kill me some times because I wouldn't be able to see her for weeks. Finally, at Christmas, my lovely father got me a Kindle and a Amazon gift card and I immediately was able to get the entire season for free (well, free for me but a gift from my dad)!
